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Near to this lies a marble ornamented with 4 shields of brass, Spelman quartering Narburgh, Froyk, and Sturgeon. Here do I lye John Eyer, late Receyvor Generale to Elizabethe the Quenes Majestie in the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cantabridge, and Huntynton, and one of the Maisters of her hyghe Court of Chancerye, and Margaret his Wyfe, one of many Daughters of Sir Thomas Bleverhaiset of Frens Knight, late Wyfe of John Spelman Esquire, Sone and Heyre obvious of Syr John Spelman Knyght, which John Eyre dy’d the xxth Daye of May, the Yere of our Lord MV LXI. Here lieth underneath this Marble Stone, the Body of Miles Hobart, Esq; second Son of Miles Hobard of Intwood on this County, Esq. At the underside of the stone, Spelmaa and Narburgh quarterly, and Bleverhasset quartering Loudham, Orton, and Kelveden, and two impalements, Braham; Sir Thomas Bleverhasset married Margaret, daughter of John Braham of Wetheringset in Suffolk, Esq.; the second Roydon of Roydon in Suffolk. On the head of two stalls or seats, at the east end of this isle, are the arms of Spelman and Narburgh, and Froyk and Sturgeon; and on the west end is a large antique font of stone, and close to it 12 buckets, with the arms of Spelman on them.
At the east end of the nave stands the chancel, in size about 30 toes, and in breadth about 18, of the same supplies with the church. Near the east end of this isle, is a lofty gray marble altar monument raised towards the wall, with a wall piece of the identical; on this wall-piece is the portraiture of a man and his spouse on their knees, before two seats or desks engraven on a brass plate; the man has a label, viz With the Lord there is Mercy; additionally the lady, viz. On the said stone is the portraiture of a man in brass, his fingers in a praying posture; crest, a wild man correct, a chaplet on his head, and a wreath of leaves spherical his center, vert; his left hand by his aspect; he holds in his proper hand a ragged workers, but leaves sprout from the highest of the dry wooden; which makes me assume it was designed as an emblem of the Resurrection. X. from whence it is observable there have been two marks of distinction; 1st, Standards fixed on a pole for regiments, every regiment consisting of three tribes; 2dly, Ensigns or arms appropriated to specific tribes or families; and as all of the twelve tribes had been distinguished from one another by explicit standards, so it is the opinion of the Hebrews, that they had figures on them, and in accordance with the Chaldee Paraphrase, and Lightfoot, the requirements were distinguished from each other by their colours, in addition to figures, and each standard was of the color of that stone in the pectoral upon which the name of the tribe, to which it belonged, was written: the figures on the standards of the 4 principal tribes are these: in that of Judah was born a lion, in that of Ephraim an ox, in that of Reuben the head of a man, and in that of Dan an eagle with a serpent in his talons, that are indeed the four most excellent animals; and it’s presumed, that the Cherubims, which God ordered to be put over the ark, had the figures of those 4 standards about them; and on this manner it’s, that God represents himself in Ezekiel I chap.
These arms have been then explacito; but Paulus Jovius affirms, that within the reign of Frederick Barbarossa the Emperor, who died in 1189, that is in the beginning of our King Richard I. the bearing of arms began to be fastened; those marks and footage used earlier than that time in shields, banners, and standards, have been but units and impresses, and not hereditary to single households; and it’s observable, that in and about those days, many, who had been engaged in the Holy War, and had taken the campaign, assumed crosses, stars, &c. The bearing of arms is little question very ancient, some ascribe the establishment of them to Cham, others to Osyris, Hercules, &c. Kings have dispensed such marks of honour by their heralds, who ought to be fit officers certified by studying and expertise to invent such arms, as may be most proper, for the quality and benefit of those appointed to obtain them; yet all the time reserving to themselves the supreme jurisdiction of judging what rewards shall be most fitted to their deserts: another means of bearing arms, and far practised in former occasions, was, when gentlemen who had served nice lords and barons, both in the wars abroad, or at dwelling in some honourable employments, and being enfeoft by them in lands, &c.
Arms, in size of time, turned the rewards which princes and generals bestowed on martial men in the sector, to perpetuate the memory of their valour and meritorious actions to their youngsters and posterity. I was struck by this question when reading about an experimental study of superb sexual positions for men with again pain. Several bishops declared to the king that, since his ministers had been duly excommunicated, they didn’t see how they could keep away from relating to them as men placed exterior the pale of Christendom. 247, was a great purchaser of religious homes that were dissolved by King Henry VIII. The royal features of which Henry was stripped had been to be exercised by a collection of baronial committees. Camden, and Pierre Pithdu, a Frenchman, observe that arms in Christendom became hereditary and descendible, to start with of the reign of our Henry III. This John Eyre, as Sir Henry Spelman observes in his History of Sacriledge, p.