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Whilst these items have been thus a fitting, Frier Richard in the monastery, no less perplexed in conscience than the Knight, about the murther, casting all doubts, and dreading the strictness of the law, summons all his witts about him to forestall the worst, at length setts up his rest, that it’s his best and safest way to flye, he remembers withall, that there was belonging to the Fryery, a mare, imployed to carry corn to and fro from the mill, (which was some half a mile from the monastery,) being somewhat fat, and due to this fact misdoubting his own footmanship, he thinks it the safer course, to belief to four leggs than to 2, he subsequently calls up the baker, that had the charge of the beast, and tells him that he understands there was meale that morning to be fetched from the mill, which was grinded by that point, due to this fact if he would let him have the mare, he would (it being now night) protected him the labour, and produce it again before morning; the fellow keen to spare a lot pains, caused the back gate to be opened, the Frier gets up, and rides out of the monastery gate, just at the instant, when the Knight and his man had turned out the Frier on horseback, to seek his fortune; the horse presently scents the mare, and after her he gallops; Fryer Richard wanting back, amazed to have an armed knight pursue him, and by the moon-light perceiving the fryer armed, (for he might discern his face partly by the moon and partly by the breaking of the day, his beaver being up,) away flyes he, and takes by way of the streets, after him (or quite the mare) speeds the horse; nice noise was in the citty, insomuch that many wakeing out of their sleeps and morning rests, from their windows looked out; at length it was Fryer Richard’s unwell fate, to take right into a flip once more lane, that had no passage by; there Fryer John overtakes him, the horse mounts the mare, and with his violent movement, the rotten and rusty armor makes a horrible noise, Fryer Richard’s burthen’d conscience, clamours out aloud for assist, and withall cryes, guilty of the murther, at the noise of murther, the people being amazed, ran out of their beds into the streets; they apprehended miracles, and he confesseth wonders, but withal, that barbarous and inhuman fact to murther considered one of his convent; the grudge that was betwixt them is known, and the apparent justice of heaven the relatively beleived; Fryer John is dismounted, and despatched to his grave, Fryer Richard to prison, he’s arraigned, and in process, by his personal confession, condemned; however before the execution, the Knight realizing his personal guilty conscience, posts immediately to the King, makes his voluntary confession, and hath life and goods (for his former good service) pardoned him: Fryer Richard is released, and the accident remains still recorded.

woman in black framed eyeglasses and blue cap Briefly, after these incouragements (as he construed them) it bred in him that impudencie that he presumed to jot down a letter to her, through which he laid open quite a lot of greater than necessary love; this letter with great issue got here to her hand, at which the lady astonished, as not dreaming that such lewdness should come from one which professed chastitie, and not understanding whether or not it might be a trick, complotted by her husband to make trial of her chastitie; howsoever, lest her honour ought to be any way called in query, she thought it her finest and safest course to point out the letter to her husband, of which he had no sooner took a view, but he started to repent him of his former charitie in regard of their so nice ingratitude; but there but desires revenge for therefore great a unsuitable, the Knight concealing his rage, causes a solution of this letter to be drawn, to which he commanded her to sett her hand, the contents to this effect, That she was significantly compassionate of his love, and that such a evening, her husband being to experience in direction of London, he ought to be admitted, lodged, and entertained in line with his personal wishes; this letter was sealed, closely sent, acquired by the Frier with joy unspeakable; towards the evening he provides himself clear linnen, a perfumed evening-cap, and different necessaries, he keepes his time, observes the place, is carefully admitted, and by herself without witness, and so conveighed into a close chamber, which he was no sooner entred, however in comes the Knight along with his man, in nice furie, without giving him the least time, either to call for helpe to the house, or to heaven, strangled the poor Frier, and left him useless upon the bottom; the deed was no sooner done, and his rage considerably appeased, but he started to enter into consideration of the foulness of the actual fact, and heinousness of the murder, withal the strict penalty of the regulation, due for such an offender, which would be no lower than forfeiture of life and property, and now begins better to ponder with himself, how to forestall the last, which may give him additional leisure to repent the first; after various and sundry tasks cast betwixt him and his man, it got here into his mind by some means or different, to have his bodie conveyed again into the monastery, which being divided from his home only with a brick wall, could be performed without any nice difficulty; this was no sooner motioned, however immediately his man remembers him of a ladder within the back-yard, fit for the aim; briefly, they each lay arms to the physique, and the man with the Frier on his again, mounts the ladder, and sits with him astride upon the wall, then drawing up the ladder quite the opposite facet, descends with him down into the monastery, where spying the house of office, he set him upon the identical, as upright as he could, there leaves him, and conveys himself once more over the wall, but for haste forgetting the ladder, and so delivers to his master how and where he had bestowed the Frier, at which being higher comforted, they betook themselves each to their relaxation; all this being hid as effectively from the Ladie as the remainder of the houshold, who were of their depthe of sleep: It happened at the identical prompt, the Frier Richard being a lot troubled with a looseness in his body, had occasion to rise within the night time, and being considerably hastily and unhandsomely taken, makes what velocity he can to the house of workplace, but by the sunshine of the moon, discerning any person before him, whilst he might and was able, he conteined himself, however discovering there was no remedy, he first known as after which entreated to come back away, but listening to no bodie answer, he imagined it to be finished on goal, the relatively as a result of approaching the place considerably nearer, he may plainly perceive it was Frier John, his old adversary, who, the louder he called, appeared the less to listen; loth he was to play the sloven within the yard, the moderately as a result of the entire convent had taken notice of a cold he had late acquired, and how it then wrought with him, therefore thinking this counterfeit deafness to be completed on purpose, and spight to make him ashamed of himself, he snatcht up a brick batt to be revenged, and hitting his adversarie full upon the breast, down tumbles Frier John with out life or movement, which he seeing thought at first to raise him up, however after many proofs discovering him to be stone dead, verily believes that he had slain him; what shall he now do, the gates are quick locked, and fly he can’t, however as sudden extremities impress in men as sudden shifts, so he espying the ladder, presently apprehends what had been whispered of Frier John’s like to the Knight’s Ladie, and lifting him upon his shoulders by the help of the identical ladder, carries him into the porch of the Knight’s corridor, and there sets him, and so carefully conveys himself again into the monastery, the same method he came, not a lot as suspected of any; in the interim, while this was performed, the Knight, being perplexed and troubled in conscience, could under no circumstances sleep, but calls up his man, and bids him go listen in regards to the partitions of the monasterie, if he can hear any noise or uproar about the murther; forth goes he from his grasp’s chambers, and having handed the size of the hall, purposing to undergo the yard, finds Frier John sitting upright within the porch; he beginning on the sight, runs again affrighted and virtually distracted, and scarce ready to speak, brings this information to his master, who no less astonished, couldn’t believe it to be so, however relatively his man’s fantasie, till himself went down and grew to become eye witness to the strange object; then wondrously despairing, he intimates within himself that murther is one of the crying sins, and such a one as cannot be concealed, yet recollecting his spirits, he purposes to make tryall of a determined adventure, and put the invention thereof to accident; he remembers an old stallion, that had been a horse of service, then in his stable, one of those he had used within the French wars, and withall a rusty armor hanging in his armorie, he commands both instantly to be introduced, with sturdy newe cords, a case of rustie pistolls, and a launce; the horse is saddled and caparisoned, the armor put upon the Frier, and he quick bound in the seat, the launce tyed to his wrist, and the lower end put into the rest, his head-piece claspt on, and his beaver up, the skirts of his gray gown serve for bases, and thus accoutred like a knight, compleatly armed cap-a-pee, they purpose to turn him out of the gates he and his horse, without any paye or esquire, to try a brand new journey.

The great understanding was so complete that a disagreeable incident within the Sandwich Islands, wherein the injudicious conduct of a French agent very almost precipitated hostilities, was amicably settled; and the ministry had the satisfaction of realizing that, if their policy had produced prosperity at house, it had additionally maintained peace abroad. NW. of Melbourne; got here into existence with the “gold rush” of 1851; mines are still of worth; a great commerce in grain, brewing, iron-founding, &c., is also executed. Erpingham, daughter and coheiress, as I take it, of Sir Thomas Erpingham and his wife Bavent, who are buried at Henstede, whose arms are quartered by Wodehouse. King Richard the second’s voyage into Scotland, being then current there, and on the relief of Brest, where, and within the Spanish voyage, he bare the identical arms without the label, which is the widespread opinion of ancient and valiant individuals using arms that the heir of a Lord, within the life of his father, ought to bear his arms with a label of three factors; and that he had seen the arms of Hastings, with the label painted, in Prussia, at a place referred to as the House of our Lady.

Seventy First Squadron Barracks, Salsola, Italy, Plan and Elevation (1944) // Christopher John Chamales American, 1907-1993 This lady, with her husband, residing in the cittie of Norwich, he, after so many troubles and torments, purposed a more sequestered life, and (subsequent to the solace he had in the beautie and vertues of his spouse) to take a course merely contemplative, and thought out of the abundance of his wealth, to do some pious deeds for the nice of his soul; he due to this fact erected in the town, and near to the place where his home stood, a goodly church, at his own charge, and betwixt them a religious house that entertained 12 friars and an abbot, allowing them demeans competent for thus small a brotherhood: In this convent there have been two, Frier John and Frier Richard, these have been still at continuall enmity, and especiall notice taken of it amongst the remaining, which by no mediation might be really reconciled; but omitting that it was the customized of the Knight and his Lady, daily to rise to morning mattings, and she being affable and courteous to all, it bred a wierd uncivil boldness in Frier John, for she never got here through the cloister however he was nonetheless with duckes and cringes attending her, which she (suspecting nothing) simply with modest smiles, returned because of him once more, which grew so palpable in the Frier, that, so far as they durst, it was whispered within the convent.

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